Occurrence of External Injuries in Working Equines and associated risk factors, Around Alagie Districts, Southern Ethiopia
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)Equine welfare issues are significant challenges in Ethiopia, threatening the health of the animals and the livelihoods of their owners. A cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2021 and May 2022 in districts around Alagae. The study aimed to assess the welfare status of working equines and the practices surrounding wound management in the region. Both direct (animal-based) and indirect (owner interviews via questionnaire) methods were employed. A total of 400 equines were examined, comprising 312 donkeys, 78 horses, and 10 mules, revealing an overall wound prevalence of 69.3%. The species-specific prevalence of wounds was 54.3% for donkeys, 13.5% for horses, and 1.5% for mules. The intensity of wounds was categorized as mild (46.8%), moderate (9.5%), and severe (3.0%) among donkeys, horses, and mules, respectively. Packed equines experienced a higher occurrence of wounds (56.5%) compared to cart animals (12.8%). Additionally, common equine problems included hoof overgrowth (16.5%), hoof deformity (0.8%), and gait and posture abnormalities (6.3%). The study indicated that among 277 equine wound cases, 14.1% were left untreated by either veterinary professionals or traditional healers. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in wound care conditions among donkey species based on management practices, showing a strong association between wound care management and conditions (χ2 = 19.148, df = 3, p = 0.014). Overall, external injuries represent major health and welfare concerns for working equines in the study area. Therefore, the development of a comprehensive equine health management and welfare improvement program is essential to address these issues effectively
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Different arrangements of decentralized forest management highlighting the inclusion of communities have been promoted to halt deforestation and environmental degradation. The participatory Forest Management (PFM) scheme was introduced as an alternative tool to enhance sustainable forest management through community participation during the early 1990s. This study was conducted in the Sheko forest to examine the role of PFM on the livelihoods of rural community and forest conditions. Forest inventory and socioeconomic surveys were conducted to collect data through involving 95 households and 27 sample plots. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical tools. -
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate different feed types collected from two districts (Ada’a and Adama zuria) of two production systems (urban and peri-urban) based on season’s (dry and wet) in East Shoa Zone, for their macro and micro mineral concentrations. Feeds in the selected districts comprised of roughages, concentrates, and non-conventional feeds. All feed samples were taken directly from the field supplied by the farmers. The feed samples were analyzed for the macro and micro minerals namely Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Co, using atomic absorption flame emission spectrometer and P concentration was measured by the spectrophotometer. The critical level (CL) used in this article is defined as the concentration of minerals below the level considering the requirements for dairy cows. The mean calcium concentrations in roughage varied from (0.13 to 0.55%); concentrate (0.14 to 0.64%) and non-conventional feed (0.34 to 0.69%) DM respectively. -
Determinants of food security among rural households in Majang Zone, Gambella Region, South-western Ethiopia
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)Attaining food security is a basic human right and a priority development agenda, particularly for the least developed countries, although the challenge remains tough. The research was designed to analyze the food security status of households and its determinant factors in the Majang Zone. A multistage sampling was employed to select the 320 households. The study employed a mixed design that uses questionnaires, focus group discussions (FGDs), and key informant interviews (KIIs) to generate data. The data were analyzed using descriptive and binary logistic regression. The findings indicated that nearly 53% and 47% of the households were food secure and insecure, respectively. Beehives (p<0.05), formal education (p<0.01), landholding (p<0.01), oxen ploughing (p<0.05), livestock ownership (p<0.05), farm income (p<0.01), extension support (p<0.01), and family size (p<0.10) significantly and positively determine the household food security status, whereas age (p<0.05) and pesticide use (p<0.05) have negative relationships. A unit increase in the above factors is expected to improve food security by a fold of 0.1014, 2.138, 1.489, 2.237, 0.9674, 0.0001, 2.469, and 0.7226, respectively. Similarly, a unit increase in the age of households and pesticide use tend to reduce food security status by 0.1091 and 2.071 units, respectively. The limitations of improved agricultural technologies such as improved inputs for crop and livestock; small irrigation schemes; institutions including credit services and cooperatives; and infrastructural developments, namely roads, niche markets, and rural electrification, coupled with undiversified income sources, call for holistic and sustainable strategic intervention from concerned bodies of the government and stakeholders at all levels to curb food insecurity challenges.
Determinants of Rural Youth Participation in Non-Farm Income Generating Activities: the Case of East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)Abstract
Rural youths are forced to look for non-farm income generating activities to sustain and secure their livelihoods as well as to supplement their agricultural activities. However, their participation in nonfarm activities is influenced by various and yet empirically unidentified factors in East Gojjam Zone. Thus, the aim of the study was to identify factors that determine the participation of rural youths in non-farm income generating activities in the study area. The study drew a sample of 360 rural youths through systematic random sampling technique from three woredas of East Gojjam Zone. Data were collected using interview schedule, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. -
External debt servicing, foreign exchange constraint and import demand: evidence from Ethiopian economy
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)Abstract
This study shows empirical evidence about the effects of external debt servicing on the foreign exchange reserve of the country and tests whether foreign exchange availability of the country affects the import demand. A yearly basis data starting from 1982 up to 2021 is employed. The required data are retrieved mostly from the World Development Indicator (WDI) database of the World Bank. In analyzing the data, the auto regressive (ARDL) technique of econometric estimation is used. The long-run result shows that repayment of foreign borrowing is insignificant in affecting the foreign exchange reserve of the nation. However, foreign aid, foreign borrowing and export growth are significant in increasing the foreign exchange reserve of the country. A sufficient supply of foreign currency in an economy is important to deal against instability and uncertainty of foreign capital flows. So, the government of Ethiopia can enhance the foreign exchange reserve through capital inflows and export growth. The findings from the import demand function of Ethiopia show that the foreign currency reserve is significant in driving import demand of the country. It is known that import enables unfettered access to capital goods from abroad and for improving the domestic welfare. So, the government should have stable and sufficient foreign exchange reserves to finance import of goods and services from abroad.
Assessment of Environmental Security from the Standpoint of Threat to National Security: The Case of Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)Abstract
Different researches have revealed that Ethiopia has a number of environmentally-related problems that threaten national security. The country loses up to 2-6 percent of annual crop production due to climate uncertainties, with drought being the main national environmental challenge. Ethiopia has a high country risk index of 7.38, one of the highest in Eastern Africa, which underlies a high level of potential risk for conflict, both within the country as well as in the region. Again, Ethiopia has an environmental score of 7.67 which is a high risk level. Generally speaking, therefore, Ethiopia is identified as a hot spot for environmental concern. -
Response of Growth and Yield of Bread Wheat Varieties to Blended NPSB Fertilizer Application Rates
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)Abstract
Low soil fertility and poor crop management practices are among the major constraints limiting the productivity of bread wheat in Ethiopia in general and Hulbareg District in particular. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in Hulbareg District during the 2019 main cropping season to evaluate the effect of blended NPSB fertilizer rates on yield and yield components and to determine the economically feasible rates for bread wheat production. Factorial combination of three improved bread wheat varieties (Ogolcho, Kekeba and Kingbird) and five rates of NPSB fertilizers (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200) were laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed that the plant height, number of kernels per spike, thousand kernel weight, straw yield, number of total tillers and productive tillers were substantially (P <0.01) affected by the main effects of NPSB.. The interaction effect of fertilizer and variety was also statistically affected the days to physiological maturity, total aboveground dry biomass and grain yield. The maximum grain yield (6500 kg ha−1) and above ground dry biomass kg ha−1 (15389), were recorded at the combination of the highest rates of NPSB, i.e., 200 kg with variety Ogolcho. Generally, the economic feasibility of the fertilizer over varieties combination indicated that application of 200 kg NPSB ha−1 to Kekeba variety resulted in maximum marginal rates of return of 4202%. The partial budget analysis revealed that the highest net return (72, 495 Birr ha−1) with MRR 2711.9% was obtained for Ogolcho from application of 200 kg NPSB ha−1. Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that bread wheat variety Ogolcho and NPSB rate of 200 kg ha−1 to be appropriate for bread wheat production in the study area.
Unveiling the shift of smallholders’ Cash Crop Farming from Coffee-orchard to Khat in Sidama region, Ethiopia
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)The study unveiled the recent competing shifting of cash cropping smallholders’ farmland use from coffee and orchard fruits to khat farming based on the empirical evidence collected from the Sidama region, Ethiopia. Despite the national economic and sociocultural importance of coffee in Ethiopia, large tracts of coffee farmland are being cleared and converted to khat cropping in Sidama, Ethiopia. A mixed research design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches was used. The sampling technique was multistage. The multistage sampling technique that combined purposive, stratification and simple random sampling techniques was used. Two woredas, namely Dara and Aleta Chuko were purposely selected, and from Dara, 190 respondents were randomly selected from three kebeles, and from Aleta Chuko, 192 respondents were selected randomly from three kebeles, and a total of 382 farm households were selected from the study area.
Primary data was collected using survey questionnaires, interviews, observation, and focus group discussions. The logistic regression technique was used to identify the determinants of farmland shift from coffee and orchard fruit farming to khat farming. The study revealed that in one district of the study area, khat plantation
coverage increased from 86 hectares in 2018/19 to 170 hectares in 2019/20. In this district, from twenty-four kebeles (the smallest administrative unit), sixteen kebeles were coffee producers. Currently, three of them are converted by khat cropping. Among other factors, market bureaucracy, market access, and income strongly contributed to the shift of coffee farmland into khat farming. Furthermore, the study revealed that the shift is poverty-induced and is an alternative to the ever-challenging smallholder’s livelihood, and the expansion of khat farming brought negative sociocultural and political consequences to the local community. On the contrary, the government follows non-involvement farmland use policy to khat production and marketing for undefined reasons. We confirmed some actors, such as local state authorities, brokers, and traders have networked interests in khat production and marketing. The study contributes to policy debate, dialogue, and inputs on cash crop farming. -
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)As a climacteric nature and fresh produce, tomato is highly perishable that needs smooth postharvest handling, technologies and treatment methods to maintain its quality and extend shelf life. The aim of the study was to explore the influence of different maturation stages and storage duration. The experiment was conducted in Dilla University from April to May 2021 which consisted of five maturation stages and five storage duration with three replications arranged in CRD factorial combination. Fifty fruits for each maturity stage were taken and packed inside boxes and stored in refrigeration at 12C temperature and 95% relative humidity. Fruits were evaluated for firmness, pH value, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and shelf life. The interaction effects of maturation stage and storage period were highly significant in fruit firmness, titratable acidity, pH value and shelf life. The highest firmness was observed in fruits harvested at full green stage (0% coloration) during the initial storage period and declined when fruits get ripened and stored for prolonged period of time. Total soluble solids and pH value increased simultaneously with advancing maturation stage and storage duration. However, the content of titratable acidity increased up to half ripening stage and the second week, followed by a diminishing trend when fruits fully ripened and stored for prolonged time. Therefore, harvesting at the right maturation stage and proper postharvest handling of tomato fruits is vital to maintain physicochemical quality and extend storability potential with obvious commercial interest.
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Ethiopia is known for its high potato production potential though the average productivity compared to
other countries is low. Various factors were contributed for its low productivity including soil acidity
and unbalanced soil nutrient concentrations which are serious challenges to small scale farmers for crop
production in the highlands of Ethiopia. -
The effect of renewable energy on Green Economy Development: evidence from the Ethiopian economy running from the year 1990 to 2022
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)Currently, there is a rapidly growing interest in modern clean energy generation in Ethiopia as a means to ensure economic and environmental sustainability. However, there is still a gap in empirical research addressing how investment in modern clean energy determines the development of a green economy in Ethiopia. This study examined the implication of renewable energy on green economy development in Ethiopia, specifically focusing on the relationship between modern clean energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental quality from 1990 to 2022. The study utilized annual time series data from the World Development Indicators (WDI), the Global Carbon Atlas (GCA), and the International Energy Agency (IEA). The auto regressive distributed lags (ARDL) econometric estimation technique was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the use of non-renewable energy, biomass, and modern clean energy were significant factors in explaining the variation in carbon dioxide emissions in Ethiopia. However, only contemporary clean energy demonstrated statistical significance in explaining long-term economic growth. The results suggest that the use of green energy sources, such as hydro, wind, and solar energy, can eventually lower carbon emissions while increasing output. It is recommended that Ethiopian authorities prioritize the promotion of renewable energy sources to prevent the economy from becoming more carbon-intensive in the future. This requires strong collaboration among policymakers, the government, and international cooperation organizations to boost investment in modern clean energy and ensure environmentally and economically sustainable development.
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Literature shows more of the world population turns to coffee consumption particularly Latin America, India and China. Demand for the beverage is estimated to increase by nearly 25% over the coming five years. On the other hand, global coffee production and supply is very unlikely to increase due to many factors. To fill the expected gap between production and consumption, Ethiopia has a better opportunity. Current productivity per hectare is about 647 kg which is lower than in many growing countries. Eventually, the research developed 42 coffee verities among which 35 are selections and seven of them are hybrids. As different coffee husbandry technologies enable to boost coffee production and productivity many agronomic practices are generated and recommended along with coffee varieties. -
Effect of Applied Lime and Mineral Phosphorus Fertilizer on Phosphorus Transformation in Acid Soils of West Wollega, Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)ABSTRACT
Prevalent occurrence of P deficiency in strongly acid soils is one of the major problems limiting crop production in high rainfall regions of Ethiopia where Phosphorus (P) fixation, nutrient leaching and soils erosion are common. This work investigated effect of liming and applied mineral P on the P transformation of acid soils of West Wollega, Ethiopia. To study the P transformations, P fractionation was carried out to determine distributions of P in the various P pools. The soils were categorized as strongly acidic in which the pH (H2O) values varied between 4.35 and 4.82. -
Land use land cover change and expansion of Eucalyptus plantations in Senan District, northwest Ethiopia: analysis of potential factors
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)Abstract
Farmers in Ethiopia’s highlands are rapidly converting their agricultural land into Eucalyptus plantations, which may have socioeconomic and environmental implications for local communities. This study aims to assess the expansion of Eucalyptus tree plantations at the expense of other land use practices in Northwest Ethiopia, specifically in the Senan district, and the factors that contribute to it. Data was collected from 332
(166 Eucalyptus planter and 166 non-planter) households and analyzed using the binary logit model. Land use and land cover change in the study area were investigated using Landsat satellite images of four periods (1990, 2000, 2010, and 2021). The land use and land cover classes were categorized using a supervised classification method. The findings revealed a decrease in cropland from 58.4% in 2010 to 38.1% in 2021, whereas the vegetation cover, predominantly consisting of Eucalyptus, experienced an increase from 16.8% to 26.5% during the same period. The results of the binary logit analysis indicate that the age of the household head, the size of the farmers’ land, and savings had a positive and significant impact on the adoption of Eucalyptus plantation, while the family size of households, educational status, livestock ownership, and the fertility level of farmers’ land had a significant negative effect on Eucalyptus plantation. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct comparative studies to assess the impact of Eucalyptus plantations on the livelihoods of farmers, ensuring that their well-being is improved as a result..
Effects of scattered Faidherbia albida (Del. A. Chev) tree on yield and yield components of three Cereal crops in Central Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)Abstract
Understanding tree-crop interaction is a key aspect in determining approprate tree-crop combination
and managements. However, little is known about the influence of tree crop interaction and tree management on crop productivity. The study was conducted with the aim of investigating the
effects of Faidherbia albida on yield and yield components of three cereal crops: wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) in Central Ethiopian
farmers field at Silti District.Three independent experiments were conducted using randomized
complete block design with five replications for each experiment. -
Land Use Land Cover Change within Kessem watershed, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia: The Case of Minijar-Shenkora Woreda
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)Abstract
Land-use land covers are not static rather they are dynamic in response to various driving forces. The main objective of this study was to assess land use land cover changes of Minjar-Shenkora Woreda during the three decades (1987–2017). Three different Landsat satellite data sets (Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI-TIRS) of 1987, 2003 and 2017 were used from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), respectively. The data were processed, and the land use land cover classes were also identified using ERDAS Imagine (ver. 2014) and Arc GIS (Ver.10.3). The study revealed that forest and shrub lands have diminished from 32885 hectaresto 16034 hectaresand 61939 hectaresto 32530 hectares, respectively while agriculture and bare lands have increased from 52524 hectaresto 90859 hectaresand 3018 hectares to7441 hectares, respectively. Moreover, built up areas also have encroached farm lands and bush lands. Over utilization of wood for fuel and construction materials, human induced fire and uncontrolled grazing, population and socio-economic changes are the main causes of the land use land cover changes. On the other hand, people’s livelihood vulnerabilities and degradation are the main outcomes of the land use land cover changes. Thus, the concerned bodies of the Woreda along with the communities should discuss and formulate law that can help to protect and preserve natural vegetation, expansion of farm lands to marginal lands as well as prevent invading of farmlands by urban horizontal expansion.
Re-visiting community based participatory watershed management: Challenges, opportunities and its linkage with smallholder farmers’ ecosystem service awareness in Southern Ethiopia
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)Ethiopia is endowed with abundant natural resources and valuable biodiversity. However, natural resource degradation and biodiversity losses in response to unwise management have been challenging and creating critical economic and social problems in Ethiopia. Previous efforts to curb the problems have not been successful as expected. Most often, physical works have received major emphasis, while the human components are mostly overlooked. To assess and re-visiting the challenges and opportunities of community-based participatory watershed management (CBPWM) and its linkage with smallholder farmers’ ecosystem service awareness, five districts (Wonago, Abaya, Dilla Zuriya, Yirgachefee, and Kochere) were selected. A crosssectional survey design with two sampling stages was used. Likert with three scales (agree, neutral, disagree) was used. A purposive sampling technique was used to select kebeles from the five districts. A stratified sampling technique was also used (based on agro-ecological zone: Humid, Semi-humid & Semi-arid) to assess the linkage of smallholder farmer’s ecosystem service (ES) awareness with CBPWM. Three hundred (300) farmer respondents were selected using simple random sampling techniques from the selected AEZs, Districts, and Kebeles. The result shows that farmer’s perception of change in environmental conditions has improved over the decades since the start of CBPWM. Their understanding of the environmental condition has also improved the benefits earned from CBPWM like increasing household income, social ties and security, women empowerment, and skill development. The result also shows that farmers had limited access to CBPWM plan preparation, training, evaluation, and monitoring activities in their local area. Moreover, there is a limitation of adequate resource allocation (in terms of materials, labor, and finance) and application of appropriate and site-specific technologies at each kebele level where active CBPWM works exist. Though there are challenges, almost all respondent farmers had a good awareness of ecosystem services (ES), whose livelihood depends on. Almost in all agro-ecological zones, ES has shown declining trends in the study area.
To restore declining ES in the study area, different agro-ecological zone-based measurements have been
applied. The result implies that CBPWM work needs serious attention from all stakeholders to achieve its
envisaged mission of building a climate-resilient green economy in Ethiopia. Moreover, conservation and
participation-based land management is a means to obtain ecosystem goods and services sustainably. -
Networks, Perceptions, and Migration Decisions: A Comparative Analysis of Young Migrants from the Gurage and Wolayita Areas to Addis Ababa
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)Abstract
In Ethiopia, rural-urban migration has been visibly dominated by the mobility of the youth. Scholarly works in the area have exhaustively identified the prominent causes as well as effects of this pattern of mobility. By going beyond the push-pull categorization, this study comparatively examines the role of social networks in the migration decision of young rural-urban migrants. Precisely, revealing the nexus between social networks, migrants’ perceptions of their home, and destination, vis-à-vis migration decision has been the concern of this inquiry. The study being of a qualitative type, interview and focus group discussion were employed as the main instruments of data collection. Having adopted a purposive sampling design, participants of the study were selected by using snowball and quota sampling techniques. -
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)In Ethiopia, the significance of urban agriculture as a source of livelihood is well-recognized. However, the
benefits of urban agriculture have not yet been realized to a satisfying degree. This article aims to understand the drivers, practices, and challenges of urban agriculture in Dilla town. The empirical data upon which the author draws was gathered through repeated periods of qualitative fieldwork carried out in 2020 with 36 farmers in Dilla town, Southern Ethiopia. Direct observation, interviews, and focus group discussions were used to obtain the required empirical data. This study has also benefited from various secondary sources. As the study shows, direct food supply, increased economic security, improved social inclusion, and regulated urban microclimate are the logic behind the involvement of farmers in urban agriculture. Urban agriculture is characterized by mixed-type of farming and includes crop production (mainly horticulture production) and livestock production (mainly poultry and dairy farming). Crop production in the town takes different forms and it includes home-garden farming, open-space farming, and peri-urban farming. As the study further shows, lack of access to urban agricultural land, land tenure insecurity, lack of urban farming skills, lack of access to credit facilities, lack of basic agricultural supplies and extension services, and limited attention given to urban agriculture from relevant state structures are major challenges facing urban agriculture. The policy implication of the study is that the government should work -
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
An Ethno-botanical study was carried out to investigate the type, associated knowledge and practices of
medicinal plants used by the local people in Ale Special District, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Ninety informants were
selected by preferential sampling technique. Ethnobotanical data about traditional medicinal plant names
and associated knowledge such as use, remedy preparation, administration, and others were collected using semi-structured interview, field observation, and focus group discussion. Informant consensus, preference ranking, direct matrix ranking, informant consensus factor and fidelity level were computed. A total of 72 medicinal plant species belonging to 68 genera and 39 families were documented. -
Changes in soil physicochemical properties and nutrient dynamics under liming acid soils Wakshuma Yadesa Mergo
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)Area specific investigation of impacts derived from liming acid soils and the consequent effects on plant nutrient bioavailability and soil physicochemical properties is important. This work aimed at investigating dynamics of nutrient bioavailability and changes in soil physicochemical properties under liming acid soils in the west Wallaga zone of western Ethiopian high rainfall regions. Lime requirements were calculated for all soil samples using the acid saturation procedure. Then, important physicochemical properties of the soils and bioavailability of nutrients were determined following standard procedures. The highest changes observed as a result of liming were 36.59 to 37.19 cmol Kg−1 for CEC, 0.97% to 0.47% for SOC, 1.76 to 1.40 g cm−3 for bulk density, 30.31 to 37.21% for porosity, 30.25 to 34.55 µS cm−1 for EC, 2.56 to 0.26 cmol Kg−1 for EA, and 0.08 to 0.02% for TN. This is attributed to the relatively higher CEC of clayey soils. It was observed that liming conditions, CEC, EC, EA, SOM, TN, and AP have significant (p < 0.001) correlations amongst themselves and with some other soil physicochemical properties such as porosity, bulk density, and C/N ratio. Bioavailability of P, N, S, Ca, K, and Mg were significantly positively (p < 0.01) enhanced by liming. This is due to improved mineralization of organic compounds, solubilization of some K, Ca, and Mg compounds, and input of Ca and Mg through liming. More research may be necessary to create a further understanding of the long-term effects of liming acidic soils on innate sources of nutrients and biological properties.
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Croton macrostachyus Delil belongs to one of the largest genera of the family Euphorbiaceae, called Croton under the subfamily Crotonoideae. The genus Croton is ecologically prominent, and an important source of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial properties in tropics and subtropics. The objective of this study was to test the antibacterial property of the leaf extract of Croton macrostachyus and a lauric acid derivative, Methyl Laurate, isolated from it. Crude extract was obtained through phytochemical screening using the solvent acetone. -
Determinants of Farmers’ Decision to Use Improved Land Management Practice in Gindara Watershed, Southern Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)Abstract
The principal environmental problem in Ethiopia is land degradation in the form of severe soil erosion, gully formation and soil fertility loss. To overcome this problem, promoting appropriate land management technologies are best options. However, farmers’ decisions to use land management practices are determined by complex factor. Thus, this study was conducted in Gindara watershed with the objective of analyzing the status of farmers’ choice of improved land management practices and investigating determinants of farmers’ decisions to use improved land management practices. -
Ethnobotanical survey of traditional medicinal plants used to treat human ailments in Arero District, Borena Zone, Ethiopia
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)Abstract
Pastoralist communities have traditionally possessed extensive knowledge regarding the plants and grazing areas in their vicinity, acquired through continuous practice and meticulous observation. As members of the Borana pastoralist communities, the people residing in the Arereo District utilize a variety of plant resources found in their rangelands. In order to evaluate the traditional use of medicinal plants in treating human ailments in Arero District, Borena Zone, an ethnobotanical study was conducted. The primary objective of this study was to document the medicinal plants employed by the local community. Fifty-one key informants were purposefully selected to participate in the study. Data was obtained through the use of questionnaires, focus group discussions, and field observations. In the study area, a total of forty-four medicinal plant species belonging to thirty-six genera and twenty-four plant families, were identified and documented. These plants were reported to be used in the treatment of thirty-five different human ailments. Among the various plant parts used for medicinal purposes, roots were found to be the primary source of remedies (47.7%), followed by leaves (13.6%). Of the remedies documented, 59.7% were prepared for internal use, with oral consumption being the most common method (53.73%). Additionally, 40.3% of the remedies were intended for external applications. The decoction was the predominant method of remedy preparation, accounting for 41.8% of the remedies known in the study area. The findings indicated that the local community possessed valuable knowledge regarding the use, preparation, and application of medicinal plants for the treatment of human ailments. However, it was also noted that certain medicinal plants in the study area, such as Vachellia nilotica and Vachellia tortilis, were reported to be locally threatened. It is crucial to pay adequate attention to prevent further threats to these medicinal plants and to conserve them, along with the associated local knowledge. Efforts should be made to safeguard the medicinal plant resources in the study area, ensuring their sustainable use and preservation for future generations.