Health Professional’s Experience in Patient-Centered Care in Gedeo Zone, South Ethiopia, A Grounded Theory Study
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)Background: Patient-centered care (PCC) places the individual patient at the center of healthcare delivery, ensuring that care is provided in a respectful manner. In Ethiopia, the practice of PCC remains limited, and the reasons for its poor implementation have not been explored in a study setting. This study aimed to explore health professionals’ experiences regarding PCC in the Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Method: A health institution-based study was conducted using Glasser’s (1992) grounded theory approach. Twenty-one participants were recruited via purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with health professionals at Dilla University General Hospital and Yirga Cheffe Primary Hospital. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed for thematic analysis using Atlas.ti (v.7) qualitative data analysis software. Inductive thematic analysis was employed to identify themes and sub-themes.
Result: Twenty-one health professionals participated in the study, comprising 43% nurses, 33% general medical practitioners, and 24% senior physicians. Fifty-two percent of the participants were from Dilla University General Hospital, while 48% were from Yirga Cheffe Primary Hospital. Participants identified similar experiences that either facilitated or hindered the implementation of PCC, yet most health professionals had not been exposed to the concept. The thematic analysis revealed four major themes: (a) failure to respect patients’ preferences; (b) lack of involvement of patients’ families; (c) poor patient-provider interaction; and (d) challenges to implementing PCC. Participants discussed barriers and provided recommendations to improve the understanding and implementation of PCC in healthcare.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that patient care is primarily delivered from a traditional provider-centered approach focused on episodic curative services, with PCC largely absent in the study setting. However, the support of the hospital senior management team is essential to create an environment that fosters the implementation of PCC and enhances its value among health professionals.
Early Neonatal Death and Associated Factors Among Babies Born in North Shoa, Ethiopia
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)Early neonatal death is the death of newborns from birth to seven
completed days after birth or birth weight of at least one kilogram. Early neonatal
death is one of the health indicators for prenatal, intrapartum, and newborn care.
It is one of the major challenges for under-five mortality. There are limited numbers
of studies conducted related to early neonatal deaths in our country. Most of the
researchers have used secondary data and are institution based. Therefore, this
study may provide information about early neonatal death in rural communities
of Ethiopia -
Magnitude and Factors Associated with Uncontrolled Blood Pres- sure among Adult Hypertensive Patients Attending at Medical Referral Clinic of Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Sidama Regional State of Ethiopia, 2021
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)Hypertension is a worldwide public health problem. Uncontrolled
blood pressure contributes to the burden of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and
renal failure leading to early mortality and disability. Good control of blood
pressure (BP) is vital to prevent the complications mentioned above. However,
the blood pressure control rate in adult hypertensive patients is poor, and the
reasons for poor BP control are not fully understood globally -
Effect of Mothers’ Migration to Arab Countries on The health of Families Left Behind in Butajira, Ethiopia: A qualitative study of lived husbands’ experiences
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021)Abstract
Background: Despite the primary motive of migration which is to improve the
living standard of a family at the place of origin, little is known about the effect
of mothers’ migration to Arab countries on the health of families left behind.
Ethiopia is one of the counties where females’ migration to Arab countries is highly
a trend. This study is aimed at qualitatively exploring the effects of mothers’
migration to Arab countries on the health of families left behind in Butajira,
Ethiopia. -
Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation, Attempt, and associated factors among Adolescents in Southern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021)Abstract
Background: Adolescent suicidal behavior is an important social and public
health problem. Suicidal ideation and attempt are common occurrences among
adolescents than the general population. However, little is documented about
suicidal behavior and its associated factors in Ethiopia. Thus, the aim of this
study was to assess the prevalence of suicidal ideation, attempt and associated
factors among adolescents in Dilla town, Southern Ethiopia. -
Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, poor drug adherence, nutritional and educational status are key predictors of first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment failure among adults in Southern Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021)Abstract
Background: The advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected
patients has led to a significant decline in HIV-related morbidity and mortality
conditions, globally. However, drug resistance with subsequent treatment failure
becomes a great challenge.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the incidence and key factors associated
with treatment failure of first-line ART therapy among adults living with HIV in
Gedeo Zone of the southern Ethiopia region. -
Travelers’ knowledge, attitude, practice towards COVID-19 and as-sociated factors at the bus station of Mizan-Aman town, southwestEthiopia, 2021
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Background: Overcrowded situations; such as mass transport, can highly expose people to the novel coronavirus infection unless strictly adhered to preventive measures recommended by the health authorities. This study aimed to assess traveler’s knowledge, attitude, practices towards COVID-19, and associated factors at the bus station of Mizan-Aman town, southwest Ethiopia. -
Essential newborn care practice and associated factors among Health professionals at rural Gedeo Zone, southern Ethiopia: Cross sectional study
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Background: The neonatal mortality accounts 43% of child death below 5 year in the globe, and 42% in Ethiopia. There is limited evidence regarding the new born care practice of health professionals in rural Gedeo zone of southern Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the essential newborn care practice and associated factors among health professionals at rural Gedeo zone. -
Knowledge and practice towards Cervical Cancer prevention, and its associated factors among female students of Mizan-Tepi University, southwest Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Background: Cervical cancer is preventable and, most often curable, if identified earlier. Young women, including university students, should be aware of and implement cervical cancer prevention methods. However, limited studies were done about knowledge and practices of cervical cancer prevention among the female population of Ethiopia particularly in the study setting. Thus, this study was aimed to assess the knowledge and practice towards cervical cancer prevention and associated factors. -
Magnitude and associated factors of Utero-vaginal Prolapse among women’s visiting gynecology ward from 2016-2019 at Dilla Referral Hospital, southern Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Background: Utero-vaginal prolapse (UVP) is the herniation of the uterus and all vaginal segments wall. It is a major women’s health concern throughout the world. Globally, 2-20% of all women are affected by utero-vaginal prolapse. The prevalence of utero-vaginal prolapse in Ethiopia is 18.55% among all gynecological operations. Despite the fact, there is no enough study conducted in southern Ethiopia, therefore, this study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of utero-vaginal prolapse among patients admitted at gynecological ward in Dilla University Referral Hospital, Dilla town, southern Ethiopia, 2020. -
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms among Computer UserWorkers of Ethiopian Roads Authority in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)Abstract
Background: Computer related health problems and ergonomic disorders are resulted from prolonged computer usage in a maladaptive manner. At least 10 million new cases of computer related human health risks occur each year; posing in reduced life quality and work productivity. This study aims to describe the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorder symptoms among computer
user workers of Ethiopian Roads Authority. -
Client satisfaction with focused antenatal care service and associated factors in rural public health centers of Bench-Maji Zone, Southwest Ethiopia; 2018: A Cross-sectional study
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Background: The Ethiopian government has made exhaustive effort to make sure the service is available at all level. However, there is a limited literature regarding extent of client satisfaction with focused antenatal care service and associated factors. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess client satisfaction and associated factors in rural public health centers. -
Anxiety disorder and its correlates among diabetic patients on follow up at Dilla University Referral Hospital, Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Background: Anxiety is the most frequent emotional disorder occurring among patients with diabetes mellitus. Anxiety is mostly associated with poor adherence to diet, exercise, prescribed medication as well as poor glycemic control and greater risk of noncompliance to medication. Hence, this study was aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of anxiety among diabetic patients attending Dilla University Referral Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. This will be an input for the improvement of diabetic management particularly for the institution. -
Magnitude and associated factors of nausea and vomiting after cesarean section under spinal anesthesia in Gandhi memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Background: Nausea and vomiting (NV) during regional anesthesia for a cesarean section are very common and unpleasant events. Identifying the factors of NV during cesarean section in a specific context can help to reduce NV during cesarean section delivery. The objective of this study was to assess the Magnitude of NV and its associated factors among mothers taking spinal anesthesia for cesarean section at Gandhi memorial hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. -
Evidence based guideline on hemoglobin threshold for peri-operative blood transfusion in elective surgery at resource-limited area: A Review Article
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Background: There is considerable uncertainty regarding the optimal hemoglobin threshold for the use of red blood cell (RBC) transfusions in anemic patients. Blood is a scarce resource, and in some countries, transfusions are less safe than others because of a lack of testing for viral pathogens. Therefore, reducing the number and volume of transfusions would benefit patients. The objective of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations and suggestions on threshold -
Sanitary Survey and DrinkingWater Quality Performance of Treatment Plant: The Case of Dilla Town, Ethiopia.
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
Background: Drinking water treatment is considered as a critical challenge especially in developing countries since this treatment is an essential facility to conserve the public health and environment by eliminating pathogens of the waterborne diseases. This study was conducted to assess the sanitary risks
associated with quality of drinking water sources (surface water and 8 deep boreholes) in Dilla town and performance evaluation of Dilla town water treatment plant. -
What could be done to mitigating the impacts of food shortage and hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia?
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)Abstract
The novel corona virus (COVID-19) has continued to spread at an alarming rate since its discovery. So far, more than five million cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths have been reported worldwide and the virus has spread to almost every country [1]. In Ethiopia, through late to break the containment line, the virus is on the rise to spread and infecting millions. The pandemic is spurring dramatic changes to all
sectors and systems, with significant effects on economic, health, transportation, and education systems. Equally important is its impact on local and global food systems, particularly on governments’ ability to provide safe, sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food to all citizens.