Predictors of Risky Sexual Behavior among Trainee Teachers in the Case of Dilla, Arbaminch, and Hosanna College of Teacher Education; SNNPRS, Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)Abstract
This study aimed to examine predictors of risky sexual behavior among trainee teachers in the case of Dilla, Arbaminch, and Hosanna College of Teacher Education, SNNPRS, Ethiopia. In doing so, a descriptive cross-sectional research design was employed. Data were produced from 353 participants (i.e., 191 males and 162 females) and 15 key informants with unique job positions and responsibilities. A sample was selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. Both developed as well as adapted questionnaires and key informant interview protocols were utilized as data-gathering tools. Data analysis was carried out through a nonparametric binomial test, multiple linear regression, and thematic content analysis. The results demonstrated that various triggering conditions are followed by a tendency for the majority of trainee instructors to engage in risky sexual activity. Among predictive variables, social norms and permissive attitudes were solidified as the major predictive factors that trigger trainee teachers towards risky sexual behavior. Trainee teachers who are more prone to the influence of peer pressure and a permissive attitude toward risky sexual behavior are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Thus, it is more advisable for governmental as well as non-governmental organizations to maintain and facilitate long-lasting psychosocial support for college trainee teachers about risky sexual behaviors.
Educators’ Academic Integrity: The Case of Three Selected Universities in the Southern Region of Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
The main objective of this study is to investigate the status and features of academic
integrity among educators of universities in southern Ethiopia. The study designed
to achieve the objectives used quantitative approach where cross-sectional survey
design was implemented.Three hundred fifty five respondents were selected for the
study using multistage sampling method. The data were gathered using an academic
integrity scale measuring honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and responsibility. The
data gathered were organized and analyzed using SPSS – version – 24. Descriptive
and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. The finding
of the study revealed that significant number of the respondents (35.5%) was
moderate in their academic integrity; the academic integrity of 24.8 percent of
the respondents was low; 22.1 percent of them were poor in their academic integrity;
16.1 percent of them demonstrated high academic integrity while the percent of
the respondents who demonstrated very high academic integrity was 1.5 percent of
the total participants. Moreover, multiple linear regression analysis revealed that
all honesty, trust, respect, fairness and responsibility determine academic integrity
equally. As educators’ academic integrity contributes for educational quality in
higher institutions,universities should design and implement a program to change
educators’ academic integrity mindset, and find out and address factors that can it. -
Assessment of Causing Factors for Cheating During Examination
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)The basic purpose of the present study was to assess the root causes and provoking
factors of cheating during an examination and to propose possible solutions to take
corrective actions in public secondary schools in Gedeo zone, Southern Nations
Nationalities and Peoples Region, Ethiopia. Because of the homogeneity of schools,
five schools were randomly selected out of the 24 public secondary schools in the
Zone. Similarly, 387 student samples were taken by using simple random sampling
techniques to give equal chances to all respondents, while 10 school principals and 10
teachers were selected by availability sampling. The research adopted an embedded
mixed (QUANT+qual) design. Questionnaires (quantitative data) for students and
unstructured interviews (qualitative data) for principals and teachers were used as
collecting instruments. Besides descriptive statistics, principal component analysis,
multiple correlations, and multiple linear regression using model IBM SPSS Statistics
20 were used. The result of the study signifies the positive and direct relationships
between cheating and the predictor variables. The study is expected to provide
evidence-based information for curriculum developers, policy makers, educational
officials, school principals, science teachers, and school communities as a whole.
The report also adds new knowledge to the existing literature. -
Assessment of Community Service Practices in Ethiopia Universities: a case Study in Some selected Government Universities
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)The current study aimed to assess the status of community service practices and the possible barriers to instructors’ involvement in community service activities at four selected government universities in Ethiopia. A quantitative descriptive survey design was employed, involving 322 instructors selected from the four universities using a stratified random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used as the instrument to collect data from the participants. Validity and reliability tests were conducted during the pilot study to ensure the questionnaire’s suitability before it was used for the actual sample. Descriptive statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, and percentage, along with inferential statistics, including a one-sample t-test, were utilized in the data analysis using SPSS version 24. The results indicated that instructors’ participation in community service activities is remarkably low. Several factors were identified that challenge instructors’ participation in community service activities, including a lack of self-interest, lack of incentives, poor community service atmosphere, excessive administrative tasks, lack of institutional support, insufficient equipment, and lack of willingness from stakeholders. The study concluded that university-community connections in the sampled public universities in Ethiopia are minimal. This is an alarming finding, urging universities to reconsider their policies and their implementation in a way that encourages instructors to engage in community service activities.
Teacher’s Performance Appraisal Practice and Challenges in Government Primary Schools of Dilla City Administration
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)Abstract
The main purpose of this study was to assess the current practice and challenges of teachers’ performance appraisal practices in government primary schools under the Dilla City administration. The research utilized a mixed-method concurrent triangulation design approach. There were four complete primary schools in the city, and two of them were included in the study. From these schools, 62 teachers, two principals, one school supervisor, two department heads, two PTAs, and two students were selected as a sample. Concerning the sample, teachers were selected using proportional and systematic sampling techniques. Contrary to this, the purposive sampling technique was used to select principals, department heads, and student council; PTAs and one supervisor were also selected by the available sampling method. Findings from both instruments were presented in an integrative way. The findings of the study revealed that teacher performance appraisal has been a common practice, often conducted twice a year, but with the principal as the dominant appraiser. Concerning purpose, the current system of teachers’ performance appraisal has not mainly served the developmental drives of PA. The criteria used to appraise teachers were viewed by teachers as fine, but the participation level in the formulation process was forced by the South American Nationalities Education Bureau. Concerning common challenges in the TPA: poor feedback system, low teacher participation, postappraisal discussions, students’ bias, and sometimes using PA for revenge. The text advocates for teacher involvement in formulating TPA criteria, involving stakeholders, and adapting guidelines, while also recommending meticulous assessment of teacher performance using interpersonal communication.
Cooperative Training as a Means of Implementing Dual Training Model for Sustainable Employment Opportunity in SNNPR, Gedeo Zone
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
Cooperative training in vocational education is a dual training system developed in
collaboration between businesses and TVET institutions. It aimed to provide trainees
with employable skills by spending the majority of their courses in practical sessions.
The main objective of the study is to explore the role of cooperative training in tracking
unemployment in TVET colleges. To achieve this goal, three major research questions
were formulated. These are the current cooperative training statuses. How does
cooperative training help to reduce unemployment? What factors are influencing
cooperative training? To answer these research questions, 385 research participants
were involved for both quantitative and qualitative data. Multistage sampling
was employed. An embedded mixed research design was used. Both descriptive
(frequency, percentage, and mean) and inferential (ANOVA and regression) statistics
were implemented to analyze the data. A survey questionnaire, an interview guide,
and document analysis were employed as data collection tools. The study identified
that, despite its weaknesses, the current status of cooperative training is promising. It
is significantly contributing to tracking youth unemployment. However, it is distressed
due to a lack of adequate demand assessment, weak collaboration in partnerships,
and an inadequate amount of industry and enterprise. It is recommended that TVET
colleges plan workshops and trainer training to equip them with the skills needed to
conduct demand assessments in collaboration with nearby universities. Likewise, a
strong partnership should be maintained with the government and non-government
sectors of the zone and regional states to eliminate challenges. -
The Relationship between Students Speaking Achievement and Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)This study was designed to investigate the major causes of speaking anxiety and the
relationship between students speaking anxiety and student speaking achievement.
For this purpose 135 grade 12(twelve) social and natural science stream students
were randomly selected from Hawassa, Addis ketema preparatory and secondary
school. A self-reporting Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale questionnaire
(FLSAS) which is consisted of 28 items was administered to measure the students’
English speaking anxiety level. To determine the relationship between the students
speaking anxiety and speaking achievement, the result of achievement test, which was
designed by the researcher, was used. -
Effects of Cooperative Learning on the Academic Achievement and attitude towards cooperative learning: the case of Dilla College of Teacher Education First Year Mathematics Students
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning on academic achievement and attitudes towards cooperative learning of first-year mathematics students at Dilla College of Teacher Education in Ethiopia. In doing so, a quasi-experimental study design was employed. Simple random allocation was conducted, one class (n1 = 38) being considered as the experimental group, and the other class (n2 = 39) being considered as the control group. A pretest was administered for both groups before conducting intervention. After eight weeks of instruction, a post-test was administered for both experimental and control group participants. Data analysis was conducted through a paired t-test to determine performance by comparing the mean of both groups at a p 0.05 level of significance.
The results confirmed that there was a significant difference in mean test scores between the two groups of participants, t = 9.358, p 0.05, with the experimental group scoring higher than the control group. This shows that cooperative learning has great power to improve their academic performance. -
Lived experiences of teachers in implementing Early Childhood Care and Education Policy in Government Pre-primary Schools of Hadiya Zone, Central Ethiopia Regional State
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of teachers in implementing the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) policy in government pre-primary schools in the Hadiya Zone, Central Ethiopia Regional State. A qualitative approach with a phenomenological design was employed. Six informationrich pre-primary teachers were purposively selected and involved in the study. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews, analyzed inductively, and developed into four major themes and five sub-themes. The results revealed a significant disparity between the policy documents and actual practices. The findings also showed that preschools faced constraints in facilities, teachers lacked pedagogical skills for teaching and assessing children, and there was low parental and community participation. The Hadiya Zone Department of Education, Health, and Women’s and Social Affairs is recommended to work closely with pre-primary schools and other stakeholders to ensure effective policy implementation.
Principals’ Leadership Styles and Secondary School Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)Abstract
This study aimed to examine the perceived relationship between principals’ leadership styles and secondary school teachers’ organizational commitment in Ethiopia. A descriptive survey research design was employed. A total of 287 sample teachers were selected using a multistage sampling technique. Data were collected using two standardized questionnaires, namely Bass & Avolio’s (1997) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and Allen & Meyer‘s (1990) Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that the transactional leadership style was predominantly practiced in Ethiopian secondary schools. On the other hand, the findings showed that transactional and transformational leadership styles had positive and statistically significant relationships with the organizational commitment dimensions. Nonetheless, the laissez-faire leadership style was found to be negatively related to teachers’ normative commitment. Finally, results were discussed, and recommendations were forwarded to improve teachers’ commitment.
Language Learning Strategy Use of Dilla University English Major Students
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
This study was conducted to describe the language learning strategies used by English
major students at Dilla University. To this end, all thirty English major second-year
students participated in the study. The study utilized a descriptive research design.
Data were gathered using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)
and interviews. Data from interviews were analyzed qualitatively, whereas data
obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed using the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential
statistics such as mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and post hoc tests were
applied to determine whether there is a statistically significant mean difference among
the groups’ language learning strategies. The findings claim that high achievers
outperformed their average and low achievers by employing more types and more
frequent use of language learning strategies. In the meantime, it was confirmed that
there exists a significant mean difference among -
Students with Disabilities Inclusion in Higher Education: Forgotten Issue in Disability Literatures
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)The purpose of this study was to look into the inclusion of disabled students in
higher education institutions. A quantitative technique was utilized in conjunction
with a cross-sectional survey design. A total of 246 SWDs were chosen from five
Ethiopian public HEIs using a stratified proportionate random sampling technique.
Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, one-sample t-test,
multiple regressions, Independent samples t-test, and One Way ANOVA were used
to examine data acquired through a college student experience questionnaire. The
pupils were found to be enrolled in the institutions, according to the findings. When
compared to male students, female students scored higher on inclusion. Pupils
who were blind were more included than students who were deaf or had physical
limitations. However, the pupils’ inclusion does not seem to be affected by their year
level.The conclusion is that, despite the fact that inclusion has been discussed in
disability literature for a long time, there is no scale to quantify it in higher education.
As a result, the advice is that a scale be devised, and that males who are deaf and
have physical limitations, for example, be assisted by institutions. -
GeoGebra: A Mediating Artifact to Minimize Students’ Misconceptions in Learning Function Concepts
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)The quadratic function concept is the most significant but problematic to teach. Thus, it needs further consideration in order to provide the maximum benefit to students. The recently revised EGECF believes in integrating technology into teaching and learning to cope with 21st-century advancements. GeoGebra is the most important mathematical software that joins two pillars of mathematics representation i.e. geometry and algebra. This study investigated the effect of GeoGebra software on overcoming students’ misconceptions and attitudinal change in learning the quadratic function concepts. The study used a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design, and sequential explanatory method to compare performance between grade nine students in two groups. The population for this study consisted of 473 9th-grade students in nine classrooms in two secondary schools of Worabe Town Administration (WTA), Ethiopia. The schools were repeatedly scored low in national examinations. Two samples of sizes n = 42 (experimental) and n = 45 (control) groups which are intact classrooms drawn randomly from classrooms in the two schools. The study was guided by activity theory and conducted in 2022/23. Pre-test/post-test, questionnaire, and interview were used to collect data. The findings of the study revealed that pre-test scores for both groups were comparable at the outset by determining the baseline knowledge since T (85) = 0.0135 and the p-value 0.81077 is greater than 0.05. The result of the post-test indicated that GeoGebra software has an important role in reducing students’ misconceptions of concepts in quadratic functions. Besides, students had a positive attitude towards the GeoGebra applet. Moreover, the study showed that the application reduces teachers’ and students’ efforts on routine and procedural tasks to strategic and conceptual aspects. Hence, the study recommended that mathematics teachers be introduced to the software and experience its effects on themselves and their students. Furthermore, concerned bodies must take the initiative to incorporate GeoGebra software into the curriculum, teacher education programs, and in-service courses for mathematics teachers. This study has potential limitations and suggests comprehensive studies using other mathematics topics, far larger randomized sample sizes, at different schools of different composition and socio-economic status, which reflect the entire zone, region, or country level.
Influence of social media utilization and parent adolescent communication on academic- achievement of secondary school students in south Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)Abstract
This study aimed to assess the influence of social media utilization and parentadolescent communication on academic achievement at Hodo Public Secondary School. The basic research questions formulated for the study were: 1. Is the intensity of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication predicting academic achievement among study participants? 2. What is the extent of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication among the study participants?; and 3. Is there a gender difference in terms of social media utilization? The cross-sectional design was applied to achieve its objectives. Both stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used. 253 participants were selected, including ten percent contingency, from a total of 487 students. Nine teachers were randomly selected for interviews; both the primary and secondary data were collected. The quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive (mean, standard deviation, percentage) and inferential statistics (linear regression, sample, and independent t-test) using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20.0. Also, the process of analyzing qualitative data began with coding, classifying, and categorizing the obtained text data from interviewees through note-taking and tape recording into concepts or codes. The findings of this study revealed that the intensity of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication have a statistically significant influence on academic achievement (=.001, F (2,216) =.101, p =.034). The extent of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication was 95%CI: social media utilization (M = 1.90, SD = 2.63), t (219) =1.498, p =.046, and parent-adolescent communication (M = 2.57, SD = 3.50), t (219) =1.736, p =.012, which implied that there is a statistically significant difference in the extent of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication among study participants, and there was no statistically significant difference between the mean score of social media utilization among male (M = 65.97, SD = 3.950, n = 152) and female (M = 65.97, SD = 3.950, t(67) = 1.576, p =.049) at the.05 significant level. This implies that the finding shows that there is a significant influence of social media utilization and parent-adolescent communication on the academic achievement of secondary school students. This indicates that parents or guardians, teachers, counselors, or concerned school personnel and the government should take part in designing an awareness-creation program to utilize social media and boost academic achievements.
Assessing Factors Hindering Females’ Participation and the Practice of Teacher’s Strategies in EFL Classrooms: The Case of Grade 11 Students in Gedieo Zone
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
The purpose of this study was to assess factors hindering Grade 11 female students’
participation and teachers’ strategies in EFL classrooms. To achieve the objective,
the researchers used a descriptive survey design and employed both qualitative and
quantitative methods. There are around 46 grade 11 sections in the selected weredas,
so the researchers selected 18 sections using a lottery system. Each section has
an average of 42 students. Among these, 40% are females, and the researchers
selected 176 female students using purposive sampling for this study. The researchers
employed three data-gathering tools. These are semi-structured interviews, classroom
observations, and questionnaires. The major findings indicated that female students
did not freely participate like male students do in the EFL classroom unless they
were called by their teacher; most female students were passive listeners. They
didn’t even ask questions for the briefing when the lesson wasn’t clear to them.
EFL teachers’ teaching strategy did not invite female students to participate in the
classroom discussion. According to the findings, EFL teachers should give male and
female students equal opportunity in classroom discussions. They also need to create
a conducive environment -
PGDT Trainees’ Coping Styles, Locus of Control and Sex as Predictor of Psychological Wellbeing: Evidence from Dilla University Institute of Education and Behavioral Sciences PGDT Trainees
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)Educational settings are one of the areas of academic study where studying school
teachers’ psychological constructs is especially important. The purpose of this
research was to examine the relationship between locus of control, coping styles,
and sex with psychological well-being among PGDT (Post Graduate Diploma in
Teaching) trainees at Dilla University. What do the locus of control, coping style, and
psychological wellbeing profiles of the participants look like? Do locus of control
orientation, sex, and coping styles have a significant relationship with psychological
wellbeing dimensions? Do locus of control, sex, and coping styles have significant
joint or unique predictive validity for psychological wellbeing? The study employed
a correlational research design. The population of the current study includes all
regular and summer program PGDT trainees in the Institute of Education and
Behavioral Science at Dilla University. 209 trainees were chosen as the sample
using the proportionate stratified random selection approach. The Ryff Psychological
Wellbeing, Locus of Control Scale, and Coping Style Scale were utilized to collect
data. The data was examined in descriptive ways, such as mean and standard
deviation, as well as inferential statistics, such as Pearson correlation, independent
sample t-test, and hierarchical multiple regression, using the SPSS-23 statistical
program. The findings demonstrate that locus of control has a negative significant link
with psychological well-being in all six domains, including self-acceptance, positive
interpersonal relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, life purpose, and
personal progress (P .05). Furthermore, the problem-focused coping style and its six
aspects have a considerable positive link with psychological well-being (P .01). On
the other hand, avoidant coping styles have a negative relationship with psychological
wellbeing and its dimensions (P .01). Nonetheless, the emotion-focused coping style
had no significant link with psychological well-being and its four dimensions (P >
.05) except for autonomy and environmental mastery (P .05). Coping techniques
and locus of control orientation can contribute to psychological well-being among
university students, according to the findings. Problem-oriented coping styles, in
particular, are positive predictors of psychological well-being, whereas avoidant
coping styles, as well as external orientation in the locus of control, are negative
predictors. The findings have consequences for the psychological makeup of trainees
as well as future teaching careers. -
Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Teacher Educators in Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)This study investigated the factors influencing job satisfaction among teacher educators. A quantitative correlational research design was employed to identify key determinants, examine demographic characteristics, and propose strategies for enhancement. Seventy-four teacher educators participated, providing data through questionnaires. Findings revealed that salary, incentives, work-life balance, and interpersonal relations were significant determinants of job satisfaction. Academic qualifications and work experience exhibited negative correlations with organizational policies, autonomy, and promotion-related factors. The study underscores the need for tailored interventions to address the unique concerns of mid-career educators, particularly regarding compensation, career advancement, and work-life balance. It suggests the development of personalized professional development programs and human resource policies that consider educators’ career stages and specific needs. Further research in this area is recommended.
Repercussion of Higher Education Reform: In the Case of Mathematics Department Students before and after the reform in One of the Universities in Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)Abstract
This study sought to examine how mathematics department students of public universities in Ethiopia were affected by recent reforms in higher education. A descriptive survey design was used to carry out the investigation. A total of 86 mathematics students participated in the study. It filled out achievement test questions, 30 of whom joined the department after taking the new reform’s freshman course in 2020 and 30 and 26 of whom joined the department before the new reform’s freshman course was delivered in 2019 and 2018, respectively. A 40-item achievement test on elementary concepts of algebra in mathematics was used as an instrument for the study. Out of 40 concepts, the mean scores reported by students who joined the Department of Mathematics after and before taking their freshman course were 19 and 15 respectively. Moreover, there was a significant difference in students who joined the Department of Mathematics after and before the new reform and took the freshman course regarding understanding and solving elementary algebraic concepts of mathematics with equal variances, not assumed to be p = 0.040 less than p = 0.05 level of significance. It is therefore recommended that it is essential to improve mathematics success for all students and that the new freshman course reform plays a significant role in increasing students’ mathematics success rate. This study has proven that they are trainable, and therefore, the new reform of freshman courses has to be nurtured for all students.
Teachers’ and Supervisors’ Views of Principal Power in Secondary Schools of Ethiopia
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
In order to better understand how teachers and supervisors view the uses and sources
of power that principals favor, this study took a qualitative approach. Through
interviews, qualitative data on three teachers’ and three supervisors’ views on
the uses and sources of power is acquired. Principals employ legitimate power,
reward power, coercive power, expert power, and referent power, according to the
teachers’ and supervisors’ analyses of the uses and sources of power. The principal
frequently exercised legitimate power, although the others hardly ever did. This study
demonstrates that teachers’ performance suffers when they only rely on legitimate
sources of power, despite the fact that principals use a variety of power sources
inequitably. Therefore, it is essential for effective leadership to inform school
principals about how to employ various power sources depending on the situation. -
The Extent of Bachelor Science Graduated Mathematics Teachers Have Understanding of Basic Elementary Geometry Concepts
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022)Abstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate BSc-graduated mathematics teachers’
understanding of some basic elementary geometry concepts. To conduct the study, a
descriptive survey design and an inferential T-test were employed. The study included
53 participants—43 males and 10 females—who came to attend the Post Graduate
Diploma in Teaching (PGDT) program at Dilla University Ethiopia in 2018–19 and
were chosen using convenience sampling techniques. A 15-item achievement test
on basic elementary geometry concepts in mathematics was used as an instrument
for the study. The findings revealed that, out of 15 concepts, 1.55 and 1.85 were
answered by female and male teachers, respectively. where they are perceived as
difficult to understand and solve by BSc-graduated mathematics teachers. There
was no significant difference between teachers in gender understanding and solving
elementary basic concepts in geometry (p = 0.372 greater than p = 0.05 level of
significance). As a result, it is recommended that extremely important BSc holders
in mathematics teachers skill up through their professional development program,
stakeholders and the MOE step up conscription efforts, and universities take action
such as a workshop to fill the gap. -
Managing the Ethiopian Education Systems amid Emergencies: Lessons from COVID-19 Global Crisis
Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022)This study, which was based on the Pragmatism research philosophy, sought to
determine the extent to which the COVid-19 global pandemic had disrupted the
school system in the SNNPR and the Oromia Regional States of Ethiopia. Both
quantitative and qualitative data strands were collected simultaneously using an
embedded research design. The surveys were completed by 268 teachers and 575
pupils in order to determine the level of disturbance and the strategies in place.
In addition, 10 school principals and 10 Wereda education office heads took part
in the interview. The study identified that the CoVID-19 global pandemic has
significantly disrupted (F=3.76829, P<0.05) the education systems in the above
two regions. The government’s policies and tactics to avert the scenario were not
properly executed at the grassroots level. As a result, in order to solve such an
unusual educational crisis, this study developed an integrative model incorporating
system variables, administrative variables, academic variables, and student variables.
Therefore, this study recommends challenging ‘reinventing the wheel’ by applying
diversifying teacher training practices, improving school-level technologies, and
adapting emergency responsive education policies at the school level. -
Teacher Educators’ Professional Competencies: the Unrecognized Profession in Ethiopia
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)Inadequate transfer of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors from the context of teacher education to the school environment, teaching children is a big concern in this 21st century. To realize this, teacher competence is the most respected part of educational assets. A person to be considered as a member of profession of teaching student teachers has to possess essential qualities and professional competence. Teachers should have personal, social, professional competences and positive attitude towards teaching profession. The present article aims at evaluating and synthesizing teacher educators’ professional competencies from various sources. Systematic review method is employed to identify the uncertainty of teacher educators, policy and practice gaps, in Ethiopia. The entire attempt is to relate the synthesis to the Ethiopian context; while reflecting the drawbacks of the Ethiopian teacher education system. Fifty one articles were identified using web searching terms, and qualitative systematic review was employed. Available literature of various years (from year 1959 to 2019) were identified, selected, read, reviewed, analyzed, synthesized, interpreted, discussed and concluded. The available literatures those are focusing on teacher educators were selected. The findings of the reviews show that teacher educators professional competence has been supported by policy and give due attention in the other part of the world, unlike Ethiopia. No one should be a teacher educator without high quality professional competences; and this is achieved when teacher education is independently organized within its own structural set up, to work towards its vision, goals and mission. To create teachers professional competences, there must be high level professionally competent teacher educators in a well-organized teacher education system. High level of teacher educators’ competence realizes greater achievement in education; whereas, low level of teachers’ competence resulted in poorer education, like we are facing today. Ethiopia really needs teacher education system that meets the demands of Ethiopian people in this 21st century.